How to use Apple cider vinegar in the treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins is a consequence of various disorders of the blood vessels. This reduces the tone of their walls, increasing the likelihood of developing congestive processes. Apple cider vinegar with varicose veins is used to facilitate the patient's condition. This tool contains a number of nutrients that reduce the intensity of pain, swelling, feelings of heaviness in the limbs. It is used externally and internally, but only as auxiliary measures.

Does Apple cider vinegar varicose veins

Apple cider vinegar

To be efficient due to composition: contains vitamins, minerals, organic compounds and amino acids. If you use this vinegar in the body normalizes a number of processes that trigger the development of complications of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Celebrate a positive change when applying this tool on the affected areas. If you are interested in Apple cider vinegar, its benefits and harms varicose veins, you need to study in detail the composition.

Useful properties of the product

This is one of the most effective means of traditional medicine. Its properties:

  • decongestant;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • analgesic;
  • etc.

Additionally normalizes the skin's appearance by avoiding cyanosed, the veins become less pronounced. Decreases capillary fragility. However, normalizes the tone of blood vessels. As a result, the swelling is reduced, since reduces the intensity of stagnation. This eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs. Simultaneously with the described symptoms of fatigue disappears. Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins has a therapeutic effect due to the acids: malic, oxalic, acetic, lactic.

This tool contains vitamins a, C, E, b group (B1, B2, B6). Part medications includes many of the trace elements: manganese, copper, selenium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium etc.


Despite the large number of positive properties, the acid can be applied not to all patients. If you plan to conduct the treatment of varicose veins with Apple cider vinegar, contraindications study in the first place. Do not use the tool externally in such diseases:

  • atherosclerotic changes of vessels in the final stages;
  • thrombophlebitis.

If you plan to use vinegar inside, in this case, too, there are contraindications:

  • increased acidity in the stomach;
  • erosive processes (gastritis);
  • the heavy defeat of the liver and kidneys of an inflammatory nature;
  • disruption of the pancreas;
  • ulcer formation in the digestive tract.

How to cook

More nutrients contained in the natural product. For this reason, treatment of varicose veins is not recommended to use store-bought vinegar. The effect of therapy in this case will be weak. Recipe vinegar to treat varicose veins on legs at home:

  • pass the apples through a meat grinder or finely cut;
  • raw material is poured with hot water (up to +70°C), it should cover a lot of 3-4 cm;
  • 1 kg of apples is sufficient to take 70 grams of sugar;
  • the tool must be infused for 14 days, it is recommended to choose the most warm, dark place into a home, periodically stirred;
  • after 2 weeks the tool is needed to drain, the resulting substance is left to ferment for 1 month.

How to treat

To use vinegar you need medical advice. For best results, should simultaneously apply the remedy externally and internally, but it is possible provided that there are no contraindications. Treatment of varicose veins with Apple cider vinegar should be carried out, if there are no wounds or other damage. On irritated skin also means you do not apply as this will be a strong burning sensation.


To treat varicose veins can undiluted vinegar. To do this, prepare a cotton ball or swab. It is recommended to use disposable materials, to avoid secondary infection. Swab dipped in vinegar and begin treatment of the affected areas, where there are symptoms of varicose veins. Movement should be smooth. The rate of application of the method: 2-6 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

Also used for grinding ointment. Use Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins is warranted together with egg yolk (not subjected to heat treatment), turpentine (1 tsp). The recommended amount of vinegar — 1 tbsp Components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. Ready ointment applied on the affected areas of tissue, gently rubbing it.


treatment of varicose veins

Duration — 30 minutes. Method wraps should be used morning and evening. The lower extremity is covered with fabric with the tool across the surface. The legs should be elevated (you can put a cushion). It is necessary to raise the lower limb, after that they are served soaked in vinegar cheesecloth (folded in several layers). So longer operated, instead of gauze use a thick cloth. In this case, the drug will be slower to dry. Top material cover with polyethylene.


1 prepare a bucket of cold water. This also added to 1 liter of vinegar. In a container immersed feet. Duration — no more than 3 minutes. Wipe the skin should be avoided. When using vinegar varicose veins immediately after the procedure, wear cotton clothing on top of the wool. Wait until the substance dries on the skin, not need. After that you should lift the lower limb and remain in this position until the feeling of heat.


If prolonged procedures cause discomfort, use this method. To use vinegar for varicose veins of the legs, mixing it with cool water. Components are taken in quantities of 1:4. For example, it is sufficient to prepare 250 ml and 1 l of water. You should rinse this substance lower extremities 2 times daily. Vinegar is used against varicose veins for 2 months or longer.


Prepare the cabbage leaves. It is recommended to pre-chill. With this purpose, the leaves in the refrigerator up to 1 day before the procedure. A compress of Apple cider vinegar with varicose veins do before bedtime and left overnight. For this process the affected limb undiluted. Top close the data plots of cabbage leaves and cheesecloth (2 layers). The duration of treatment up to 4 weeks. Every time you need to use fresh cabbage leaves.

How to drink with varicose veins

If there are no contraindications, the use of vinegar helps to amplify the effect of treatment with topical products. Drink the solution based on it. You need to add 1 tsp. of the substance in a glass of water. You need to take medicine 2 times a day: before meals and for some time before sleep. You should not abuse this tool. The course of treatment should not last more than 3 weeks. According to the testimony, and only after approval of a physician continue taking a pause.