Varicose veins: modern methods of treatment. Myths and facts

Widespread varicose disease has generated a lot of speculation on this issue. We promise a quick and painless getting rid of varicose veins once and for all. In this article: modern methods of treatment of varicose veins, the hype and the facts, a test for predisposition to the disease.

Faced with varicose veins, it should be understood that the greatest danger in its complications. To lead them dilated superficial veins that have lost their original function and are a threat to life.

Stretched veins will not come back to normal and will disappear with the help of tablets, ointments, herbs, and even more conspiracies and other non-traditional methods of treatment.

Complete cure of varicose veins is possible only with the elimination of varicose veins and venous shunts. Some alternative therapies can provide only the prevention of disease, relief of pain, slow the progression of varicose veins.

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Modern medicine and vascular surgery to date, are the only panacea and come with effective cosmetic and surgical treatments. But about all under the order.

treatment of varicose veins

With the intake of internal medicines you can get rid of varicose veins forever

Fact. Modern pharmaceutical market offers a wide choice of drugs. They all have similar substance (plant flavonoids), and a low effectiveness and side effects. Tonic for veins won't save you from varicose veins, but from the heaviness, swelling and night cramps are quite possible.

Creams and gels will cure varicose veins

Fact. The sellers and the producers promise a high efficiency, it should be understood that the gels and creams do not eliminate the varicose veins. Their massaging promotes venous outflow, acts as a gentle massage and has a calming effect on the skin at the initial stage of the disease.

When varicose veins running, some creams and ointments can cause dermatitis and allergic reaction, which exacerbates the problem. Thrombophlebitis prescribed the use of heparin means that thin the blood and help remove inflammation.

Thanks to the active is very popular gels and creams with leeches. According to doctors, shaman, these products have no relation neither leeches nor to drugs. A waste of money and time, is the place self-hypnosis.

Leeches cure varicose veins

Fact. The saliva of leeches rich hirudin that thins the blood. This fact is the main reason why ignorant people resort to leeches for varicose veins, confusing it with thrombophlebitis.

Blood thinners will not affect the varicose veins, which is caused by the increase of the venous lumen and the valve insufficiency. About the danger posed by such treatment, silent.

The outcome of treatment can be skin pigmentation on the site of the bites, prolonged bleeding from wounds. This is the best. In the worst — develop dermatitis, limfostazom, PHLEBOTHROMBOSIS, and even gangrene of the limb.

In the composition of the saliva of leeches a lot of allergens that can with chronic venous stasis can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions that destroy the skin and aggravating varicose veins.

Phlebology recognize such treatment outright quackery, dangerous to the health of the patient. Leech therapy is particularly contraindicated in ulcers.

Compression stockings eliminate the causes of varicose veins and the disease itself

Fact. The use of elastic medical compression shown in the early stages of the disease to radical measures. Compression of the dilated varicose veins, promotes redistribution of blood flow from external the affected veins in deep, eliminates stagnation of blood in the veins.

While elastic compression does not eliminate the cause of the disease, and merely simulates a situation when the veins are "sealed" or removed. To correctly size and recommend wearing can only Phlebology.

Treatments for varicose veins

Nowadays, methods of treatment of varicose veins has been simplified and almost all are performed on an outpatient basis, and if you require hospitalization, only for one or two days. The main types of treatment: sclerotherapy, laser coagulation, radiofrequency ablation, surgery.

Experienced professionals often use several methods at once. Consider the most common, their pros and cons.



This non-surgical method of removing the patients veins. The vessel is entered sklerozant, special liquid preparation that glues vein, which eventually disappears. Blood ceases to flow in the affected area and redistributed through healthy veins.

Sclerotherapy was applied at the beginning of last century, now the procedure has become less hazardous and traumatic. Sklerozant is introduced into the patient's vein using thin needles or microcatheters. One session may take up to 4 injections, and the number of sessions is determined by the severity of the disease.

After injection into patient wears compression stockings, it is recommended to walk (up to 5 hours) to avoid deep vein thrombosis. Elastic compression will have to wear during the treatment course, and at the end (4 weeks).

Sclerotherapy improves blood flow, dilated vessels disappear, are swelling, pain, cramps and fatigue. Spots that occur on top of the removed veins eventually pass.

Sclerotherapy includes:

  • Itself sclerotherapy
  • ECHO-sclerotherapy (injected sklerozant right on target, thanks to the ultrasound to see the venous lumen),
  • Foam-form sclerotherapy. Sklerozant turns into a foam, introduced into a vessel that allows you to "seal" tightly even large veins.

Sclerotherapy ensures long-term medical and cosmetic result, and in some cases a lifetime. Only 25% of patients with varicose veins running can't count on full recovery. The manifestation of the disease is considerably reduced.


  • Individual intolerance to sklerozant.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs.
  • Unwanted weight.
  • Running cellulite in the affected veins.
  • Inflammatory and purulent diseases of the skin of the feet.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Thrombophlebitis.


  • Outpatient treatment allows you to keep their way of life.
  • Cosmetic effect is immediately noticeable, scars are left.
  • Minimal pain during treatment.
  • It is possible to eliminate several of the veins.


There is no guarantee lifelong result. To achieve it, you need to begin treatment with the elimination of the causes of varicose veins.

- Wearing compression hosiery, it is possible to withdraw for a short time for hygienic procedures.

Laser treatment —

Laser treatment — "office surgery"

Photocoagulation — laser treatment of varicose veins by closing their lumen. Is the latest development of German specialists called endovenous (intravascular) or endovasal coagulation (EVLT or EVLT). Currently widely applied in leading clinics of Russia and abroad.

With EVLT there is a "soldering" (ablation) of the damaged veins through a high-energy laser without incisions. For thermal laser treatment from inside the vein injected a special fiber through the puncture, there is a spasm of the vein, the lumen is closed inside it. Vienna is eliminated from the bloodstream, and subsequently replaced by connective tissue.

The degree of impact from EVLK on patients veins higher than sclerotherapy and achieves the effect equivalent to the classical vein removal.

Intravascular coagulation is recognized as the minus traumatic and rapid modern way of eliminating varicose veins.

The minimum time spent on operation (approximately 40 minutes) and recovery (up to 4 hours), local anesthesia — all of these factors led to the treatment of "office surgery". The patient after the procedure can leave the clinic on their own and to return to the workplace.


Intravascular laser ablation is a worthy alternative to surgical intervention:

  • Excellent cosmetic effect — during surgery there are no incisions.
  • The brevity EVLT procedure takes less than an hour.
  • The quick recovery that gives you the opportunity not to cease work.
  • The coagulation laser is controlled by the indications of ultrasound, which improves the quality of care, postoperative complications minimizes.
  • The absence of hematomas and bruises.


  • The operation cost is very high
  • The large diameter of veins do not eliminates the need for incisions.
  • Vienna large diameter can fall apart later and be back.

VNUS. Radiofrequency ablation

The newest method developed by the international scientific community in order to find the most perfect remedy for varicose veins of the legs. In North America and Europe, the method is practiced for more than 10 years, Russia has put into practice large clinics recently.

VNUS — endovasal method used to treat the affected varicose veins large veins of the trunk. In the puncture injected radio-frequency catheter, "medicandi" Vienna by microwave exposure. The catheter has sensors that measure the usefulness and efficiency of a thermal effect on the vein wall.


  • Outpatient conditions.
  • Local anesthesia.
  • Preservation of disability.
  • Without incisions.
  • Rapid recovery of the patient (30 minutes after surgery). In a week you can exercise.
  • The lack of pain and bruising in most cases.
  • High safety.


  • High cost.
  • Can occur in burns which are rapidly.
  • Decreased concentration on the day of surgery (you cannot drive a car and engage in other activities that require concentration).

In the United States radiofrequency ablation is used much less frequently than laser photocoagulation. This is due to the high cost at almost equal results. Coagulation gives a greater percentage of the complete disappearance of the veins thanks to the introduction of a new generation of lasers, providing higher efficiency and the absence of hematomas.

Radical methods

At the onset of thrombophlebitis, eczema, trophic ulcers sclerotherapy and other procedures bezoperatsionnye to do later. In this case, the doctors were likely to resort to surgical methods, combining them with sclerotherapy.

Many clinics offer high-tech microsurgical methods of removal of sick veins that minus traumatic (allow one small incision to remove the entire diseased vein), do not leave scars and scars, short-term (after 40 minutes the patient can go home).

In the opinion of phlebology, to be afraid of removing varicose veins is not affected. Blood-engorged veins are a serious threat to health and life. After their elimination, the circulation normal, healthy veins removed redundant load.

In conclusion, the article about modern methods of treatment of varicose veins want to offer the Test. Answers to questions will not take more than 5 minutes of your time but will allow you to identify symptoms varicose veins of the legs and the extent of your risk.